Sunday, June 21, 2009

The power of real time feedback

A few months ago, we developed an online feedback tool that we send out to customers once we have shipped their orders. An example of this can be seen here.

The results are ultimately listed on the product pages, our customer review section, and sorted by client. The concept is hardly revolutionary, but we have been amazed at how customer feedback has transformed the way we approach the business.

Here is an example:

A few weeks ago, we produced an order of blankets for a customer's executive retreat. The blankets were reasonably well received, but the client had a concern about the embroidery backing on the opposite side of the blanket (90% of the time, embroidery requires a backing called pellon to hold the stitches in place). They posted a comment to this effect on our site. While the blankets were embroidered properly, there are two ways we could have done this: (i) with a backing or (ii) without a backing if one uses a tearaway material. We chose to embroider with the traditional backing, but realized quickly that we had made an error after reading the customer's comments.

The client posted the comment 48 hrs before their event. When we received notification of the concern, we were able to react quickly by looking at the tearaway option. We produced the re-run of blankets within 24 hrs and were able to overnight ship the goods to the location of the retreat. All in time for the event.

The concept of feedback is not new. However, what was different in this case is we were able to provide the customer with an easy forum with which to express their views.

By giving the customer a platform, we are able to keep on top of any issues that may arise. This has allowed us to pull certain products if we receive consistently negative feedback. On the flip side, it allows us to stock up the winning styles when the positive reviews come in. Most importantly, it gives us the chance quickly turn a mediocre client experience into a highly positive one.

Honest feedback also influences the purchase decisions of other customers who visit the site. While our product universe is vast and our knowledge of the products is deep, nothing complements this more effectively than an honest customer review.

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