Sunday, October 29, 2006

Even the Enterprise can be fun!

Much has been written about the Enterprise and its inability to embrace the fun and quirkiness of the web 2.0 world. In a nutshell (according to some), the Enterprise = business, boring, grey, soulless cubicles, the "Man", "doesn't get it" etc.

One of the most tireless tiraders (is that a word? Well, you know what I mean) against the enterprise is Tara Hunt - an outspoken marketing rogue (self described) and evangelist for web 2.0 and the power of communities. Tara has some cool things to say and I agree with most of her marketing philosophies (and admire her passion to boot).

Anyways, the enterprise is not all that evil, especially when the office knows how to have a good time making money, returning value to shareholders and other "enterprise-y" things like that. We think we have set an example in this regard.

The quirky people at have recently joined the flickr community and hope that other offices across the land will do so as well (a few pioneering companies have already done so before us). Hey "Enterprise", let's lighten up!

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