Herd mentality is fascinating.
Have you ever noticed that whenever a plane lands, taxis to the gate, and turns off the seat belt sign that 95% of the passengers instantly jump up, rush to get their bags from the overhead bins ... and then proceed to wait for several minutes (still standing) before the plane's doors open?
Where are they going in such a rush? Is the guy in the seat behind me going to get off the plane faster than me when the doors open? It seems so unfair - he has been standing with bag in hand for 5 minutes while I sit there relaxing (and I still get off before him .... after all, I am still seated ahead of him). It only takes a few seconds to get your bag in the overhead bin. (and yes, I have traveled with my family as well as by myself).
To be clear, I am not a slow poke. I am usually in a hurry, but I just don't get why people rush just to stand there? Why not sit back, relax and wait until the doors open? Then grab your bag and be on your way. Standing in the aisle will not speed anything up, other than just congest the aisle and cause back pain.
Ever since I can remember, people have always rushed to stand after a flight arrives at the gate. It seems somehow ingrained in the traveler's DNA, but it does not seem to affect one's ability to get off the flight any faster. This is just what people do, as though they are following some sort of rule book.
Here's the point. Why do what everyone else does, especially when "what everyone else" does is kind of silly when you step back and really look at the situation?
It's pretty liberating to do things differently - in life, business, etc. Sometimes doing it the way everyone always does it only satisfies our need to be like others, but it is not necessarily the best way.
(author's note - while I may be onto something with this deplaning business, I still engage in many other silly and herd like activities, so I am not playing high and mighty. I still have plenty to learn!)
As someone who has taken more then their fair share of flights, I can tell you that the precious seconds gained from standing up in the aisle right away far outweighs my need to 'go against the herd'.
If I’ve been sitting in the middle seat of a crowded plane next to Stinky McStench and Obese McGee you best believe I’m out of my seat like a bat outta hell as soon as possible. Standing in the aisle for any period of time is way more appealing to me then spending one more minute squished between the inevitable row buddies I always seem to be seated next to.
touche - but why not roam the aisles during the flight/hang with the stewards in the back (when not being jerked about by turbulance). it's good for blood flow and it reduces the amount of time spent with Stinky and Obese.
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