Thursday, June 28, 2007

Inspiration from Alec Baldwin

No doubt, Alec Baldwin's rant in Glengarry Glenross has to be one of the best scenes in cinematic history. It's also the most amusing sales manager pep talk ever.

I don't advise sales managers to follow Alec's lead, but there's no question that his tactics command attention. I believe there is a middle ground.

This YouTube clip is an office favourite. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

How to avoid mushy Kraft Dinner!

I am a devotee of this fine product. Life would only be 1/2 as good without KD.

However, here's a caution to all - don't rely on the box for cooking time instructions . 7-8 minutes? This is guaranteed to yield mush if the KD is left boiling for a second over 5 minutes. This has been tested many, many times.

You heard it here first.